Sunday, May 24, 2020

Drinking Water Out Of Bottled Water - 1191 Words

Most American see bottled water as a necessity, even though bottled water did not exist numerous years ago. Drinking out of a water bottle has become the customary drinking source for most Americans. We have become reliant on plastic waste. Water is life sustaining, so many of us would think that drinking water out of a bottle is harmless. Unfortunately it is not, there have been hints of PET and BPA in the plastic containers we are drinking out of. Both PET and BPA can stimulate sever health consequences. Not only are we putting our life in jeopardy by drinking out of bottled water but our planet as well. Plastic bottles don’t just vanish into thin air. Most Americans don’t recycle, so most plastic bottles end up on streets, rivers, lakes, canals, streams, or oceans polluting our planet. Not only is bottled water way more expensive than tap, it also contains the same water quality as tap water. In other words we’re just paying for the names on the plastic bottle s. Rather than paying for quality, our tap water can produce just about the same value as bottled water. Bottled water is not all it is made out to be. We all need water to survive, especially when up to 60% of the human body is made of it. Water is without question necessary to our planet. Approximately 75% of the earth’s exterior is covered by water, but only 1% of that is drinkable. Therefore, clean drinkable water is not as easy to get as it may seem. Representative Dennis Kuchinich from Ohio states that,Show MoreRelatedThe Choice Of Bottled Water Over Tap Water Essay1247 Words   |  5 PagesChoice of Bottled Water over Tap Water First, water is an important resource for consumers and the environment. 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People

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